- Alward, Sharon [IA][Direct] -
Provides information on the performance/installation works of the Canadian artist.
- Bizovichar, David [IA][Direct] -
Voyager installation.
- Chase, Doris [IA][Direct] -
Sculptural installations and pioneering work in video.
- Conner, Neal [IA][Direct] -
Neon sculptures and installations.
- Demers, L.P. and Vorn, Bill [IA][Direct] -
Descriptions of several installations.
- Gwirtz, Jennifer [IA][Direct] -
Performance and installation.
- JimJim [IA][Direct] -
Sculpture and installations.
- Lawless, Billie [IA][Direct] -
Producer of mixed-media sculpture, prints and installations.
- Parks, Neal [IA][Direct] -
Online gallery of the artist's traditional, computer, and site-specific art installations.
- Rother, Linda Louise [IA][Direct] -
Visual artist whose multimedia installations deal with issues of domestic violence, family violence, rape and incest. "Behind Closed Doors" is her current ongoing project.