- Breeders' World [IA][Direct] -
Resource for breeders looking to market their programs online.
- Case Katahdins [IA][Direct] -
Sells purebred and Suffolk-cross breeding stock that have been carefully selected for size, conformation, fertility, prolificacy, and hardiness.
- Cattleana Corporation [IA][Direct] -
Consulting for the design and construction of livestock containment facilities.
- Chr. Hansen BioSystems [IA][Direct] -
Manufacturer of natural biological and microbiological products such as Probios, silage inoculants, yeast cultures, Probiotics and direct-fed microbials additives.
- Dragon Trenchburning [IA][Direct] -
Land clearing, commercial burning, diseased animal carcass disposal nationwide and worldwide.
- Five-G Consulting [IA][Direct] -
Custom design of livestock handling facilities.
- Hauraruni Agricultural Development Company Inc. [IA][Direct] -
HADCO supplies a variety of meat and meat products.
- Hubbard Feeds [IA][Direct] -
Manufacturer of feed and animal health products.
- ImmGen, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Red blood cell and DNA typing and research lab providing parentage verification and genetic trait detection services to cattle, swine, and dog breed associations.
- Kurt Nisgaard [IA][Direct] -
Danish dealer of pigs and other livestock.
- Lancaster Laboratories [IA][Direct] -
Offer analytical, research, and consulting services in the chemical and biological sciences with comprehensive laboratory expertise in the areas of Environmental, Foods and Pharmaceuticals.
- LivestockBreeders.com [IA][Direct]
- Livestock Molecular Research and Development [IA][Direct] -
Offering genetic testing for Spider Lamb Syndrome and Scrapies to breeders and producers.
- Livestock Weekly [IA][Direct] -
Weekly livestock newspaper featuring cattle and sheep.
- Luzza International Livestock Corp [IA][Direct] -
Service in worldwide livestock exporting from Canada or US; source for genetic and production improvement.
- Norfolk Livestock Market [IA][Direct]
- Producers Livestock Marketing Association and Credit Corporation [IA][Direct] -
Cooperative offers livestock marketing and financial services, including order buying, selling, commodity brokerage, contract feeding, and management planning.
- Pro-Form Feeds [IA][Direct] -
Manufactures feeds, supplements, and premixes for commercial dairy, poultry, and hog farms in addition to other products.
- Semex Canada [IA][Direct] -
Supplier of livestock genetics.
- Shore Livestock International [IA][Direct] -
Auctioneers, sales managers, dairy judges, breeders and exporters of all breeds worldwide.
- Yocom-McColl Wool Testing Labs [IA][Direct] -
Tests raw wool for fiber diameter and yield to determine its best use in textile manufacturing.