- 1st Florida Dating Network [IA][Direct] -
Voice personal ads from people of all walks of life just waiting to meet you!
- Bikeworks [IA][Direct] -
Parts or bikes for sale in the Orlando area.
- BizPort Florida Classifieds [IA][Direct] -
Help wanted by Florida employers and real estate listings for any location.
- Boats-Online [IA][Direct] -
Boats for sale in Florida - all types and sizes.
- Carmate Web Site [IA][Direct] -
Motor vehicle advertisement service. New and used car and trucks for rent,sale or lease, wholesale or retail. Sell, or search to buy or trade.
- Classifieds [IA][Direct] -
View or submit free online classified ads.
- Cyberlot [IA][Direct] -
New and used car, truck, boat and real estate listings; dealers welcome.
- Fleamarket [IA][Direct]
- Florida Connection - with CLASS! [IA][Direct]
- Jet Boat [IA][Direct] -
Pre-owned Jet Boat for sale. 120hp, like new.
- Miami City Classifieds - Romance [IA][Direct] -
Find your match or place your ad in Miami's Cyber-Love Connection.
- Miami City Web Classified Ads [IA][Direct] -
Trade, Exports, Imports, Computers, Electronics, Shopping Areas, Malls, Classifieds and Retail Stores
- Miami Mall, The [IA][Direct] -
Index of local businesses and classifieds; create and post your free non-commercial classified ads or ask for complete web services.
- Rev Trader Online [IA][Direct] -
Includes boats, cars, trucks, tractors, motorcycles, engine parts and accessories. Specializes in high performance items.
- SouthFlorida Classified [IA][Direct] -
Full color photo based classifieds. Think of it as your Sunday paper, now online, everyday. Searchable categories. Find it, sell it, buy it here.
- Sunday Paper, The [IA][Direct] -
Business opportunities, employment, classifieds, travel, real estate and jobs. Internet & free delivery via Email to all that subscribe. Secure server.
- World Class Ads by MuttNjef [IA][Direct]
- XSO Classifieds [IA][Direct] -
Ads are from XS magazine and the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel.