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  • Aqua Farm [TheOldNet][Direct] - Commercial website directory for fish farming, seafood and aquatic species. Site contains a forum, classifieds, press releases and more seafood industry links.
  • Aqua-Mana [TheOldNet][Direct] - High technology aquatic feeds for shrimp and other crustaceans.
  • Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) [TheOldNet][Direct] - An industry organization representing fish and shellfish, particularly shrimp, farmers in addition to others involved in aquaculture and mariculture seafood products.
  • Inacua [TheOldNet][Direct] - Investigación y acuacultura, presenta una rentable alternativa para utilizar tierras y aguas aptas para el cultivo de la langosta de agua dulce "Red Claw".
  • Wisconsin Aquaculture Association [TheOldNet][Direct] - Non-profit corporation working for education, promotion, and advocacy of the industry state-wide.
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