- Acorn Medical Products, Ltd [IA][Direct] -
Shower massage and first aid kits for pets.
- American Pet Shampoos [IA][Direct] -
Manufactures and sells pet care products such as dips shampoos and tick release.
- Athletic Nutrition [IA][Direct] -
Supplier of Shed-Stop, an all natural liquid nutritional supplement for animals that eliminates non-seasonal shedding.
- Bayer Advantage [IA][Direct] -
Flea control product.
- C-DERM [IA][Direct] -
Natural therapeutic shampoo concentrates, hot spot spray, moisturiser with insect repellent, and effective ear cleanser. For all domestic pet care needs.
- Ciba Animal Health [IA][Direct] -
Oral flea control for dogs and cats.
- Country Groomer [IA][Direct] -
Natural health care and grooming for pets.
- Dualle Products [IA][Direct] -
Full line of pet supplies and odor control products.
- Elchar Pet Products [IA][Direct] -
Kenic Pet Shampoo, Vitamin and Mineral Supplement, Stain and Odor Remover, Animal Design T-Shirts, dogs, cats, pets, animals, groomers.
- Fleabusters [IA][Direct] -
Up-to-the-minute news about caring for your pets and keeping them flea-free, happy and healthy.
- FleaGone [IA][Direct] -
Home treatment for flea control.
- Flee Flea [IA][Direct] -
Remedy for household flea problems.
- GAMPRO Products [IA][Direct] -
Multipurpose cleaner, pet shampoo and odor eliminator.
- Grooming-Mate [IA][Direct]
- HydroSurge Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Therapeutic bathing system for your pets.
- InterPet Laboratories [IA][Direct] -
Specialize in holistic animal care: learn about our Neemodex dermatologic flea bite shampoo, the safe way to protect dogs, cats, horses, and other livestock.
- K-9 Products [IA][Direct] -
Kennel and veterinary products including sanitary cleaning supplies.
- Keep Fleas Off Your Pet! [IA][Direct] -
Guide to a bathing and grooming method that effectively keeps fleas off your dog or cat.
- Madson Group, Inc [IA][Direct] -
Pet grooming business management information for all levels of experience, from career seekers to master pet trimmer businesses.
- Oliver Grooming Tools [IA][Direct] -
Designed for long-haired animals that experience mats and tangles in their coats.
- Oxyfresh@ (1997)
- Oxyfresh [IA][Direct] -
Safe, natural Oxyfresh pet products are loved by hundreds of Veterinarians and thousands of animal lovers throughout North America.
- Pet-Free [IA][Direct] -
Vitamin tablet breath freshener for pets.
- Prima International [IA][Direct] -
Maker of the Bathe 'N Carry portable bathing aid, carrier, and animal restraint for cats and small dogs.
- Shampoo-Chez [IA][Direct] -
Good earth products for pets.
- Thornell Corporation [IA][Direct] -
Specialists in pet odor control.
- Vaughn's Furfresh [IA][Direct]
- Wysiwash [IA][Direct] -
Nozzle allows safe/sanitizing level of chlorine disinfectant delivered from a hose for kennel cleaning.