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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Books >
ISO 9000
  • #ISO9000 [IA][Direct] - Talking about the ISO9000, especially each Monday 6:00 pm GMT
  • ISO 9000 (1994) Checklist [IA][Direct] - Text and diskettes containing ISO 9000 Checklist, forms, templates, databases, and internal auditor training course.
  • ISO 9000 Group [IA][Direct] - Includes four concise reference books dealing with interpretation, documentation and implementation of ISO 9000 and with preparing for and receiving the ISO 9000 audit.
  • Seven Sees [IA][Direct] - Introducing ISO 9000 'A guide Book' to help you get started in the import business. Also, J. Erwin Seevers is offering his services as a consultant.
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