- Astronomical Pocket Diary [IA][Direct]
- Copernican Series [IA][Direct] -
Constructing a consistent picture of physical reality from the basic facts underlying physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, paleontology, meteorology and psychology.
- Dr. David Bohm's Dialogues [IA][Direct] -
Published works include Quantum Theory, Causality and Chance in Modern Physics, and Wholeness and the Implicate Order.
- Encounter with Tiber [IA][Direct] -
Information about Buzz Aldrin's novel and his ideas about how we, as a world, should get to Mars and beyond (coming soon).
- Hendrickson's Home World [IA][Direct]
- Lunation Equations, The [IA][Direct]
- Magnetic Measurements Handbook [IA][Direct]
- Nikola Tesla [IA][Direct] -
By George Trinkaus, High Voltage Press.
- Practice of Science in the 19th Century [IA][Direct] -
Catalogue of all the 19th century scientific instruments in Teylers Museum, Haarlem by Gerald L'E. Turner.
- School of Pythagoras [IA][Direct] -
Recommended texts for acquiring a greater understanding of Pythagorean teachings: geometry, architecture, and ancient Egypt.
- Science Projects: A Modular Approach [IA][Direct] -
A step-by-step workbook for students and teachers. Endorsed by the National Science Teachers Association.
- Total Scheme of Things, The [IA][Direct] -
Subject matter is a birds-eye-view of all human knowledge and branches of science including the earth, life, humans, society and evolution. Preview chapters online.
- Vatnaj÷kull - Fiery Ice Cap [IA][Direct] -
Photographer Ragnar Th. Sigursson and geophysicist Ari Trausti Gudmundsson present pictures and words about the Icelandic volcano.