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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Books > Titles >
  • American Sex Machines [IA][Direct] - Details research project aimed at gathering all documents of the U.S. Patent Office archives related to human sexuality. Covers period 1846 to present.
  • America's Real Religion [IA][Direct] - Provides primary sources for quotations from our Founding Fathers regarding their personal religion and regarding religion's proper relationship to government.
  • Annual Report of the United States of America [IA][Direct] - Treating the United States as if it were a business: a report to its shareholders (us taxpayers) on the economy, national debt, and other important issues.
  • Darwinism, Dominance, and Democracy [IA][Direct] - By Albert Somit and Steven Peterson. Argues that human nature, as an evolutionary product, makes human susceptible to authoritiarian government. Democracy is not consistent with human nature.
  • Government Online [IA][Direct] - Max Lent's annotated directory of government online services.
  • Guide to US Government Auctions and Sales [IA][Direct] - Listing of phone numbers and addresses, from the US Customs, IRS, Drug Enforcement Agency, FBI, HUD, Veterans Administration and more.
  • Primary Colors@  (1996)
  • Spy Fact of the Day [IA][Direct] - What do "Big Bird," "Buffalo Hunter," and "Goldfinger" have in common? All are code name espionage terms. Discover the secret meaning of these terms and learn other fascinating spy facts.
  • U.S. Congress Handbook [IA][Direct] - Includes photo, phone, fax, address, biography, staff members and committees for every member of congress.
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