- Ask Your INNER Guide - Monthly excerpts from [IA][Direct]
- Aurum Solis Books & Supplies [IA][Direct] -
Online occult and metaphysical source for books and related supplies.
- Celtic Mysteries [IA][Direct]
- Discovering Your Psychic World [IA][Direct] -
Annette Martin"s (international Radio/TV psychic) newest book.
- Edgar Cayce Companion [IA][Direct] -
Compiled by B. Ernest Freser, extensive reference book on the Edgar Cayce readings, listing 264 separate topics with the relevant excerpts.
- Eldon Taylor's Books,Tapes [IA][Direct]
- Goddess Shoppe, The [IA][Direct] -
Metaphysical emporium and bookstore featuring a vast array of mataphysical supplies and the largest collection of bumperstickers and buttons available.
- Heaven's Gate [IA][Direct]
- Horned Owl Publishing [IA][Direct] -
Specializing in earth-centred spirituality, aboriginal european religions and the western mystery tradition.
- Inspirational Books by Jim Young [IA][Direct] -
Titles:"AS If From God", "With Eyes To See", From Human Doing To Human Being"
- Ketch, Tina [IA][Direct] -
Life holds questions - reincarnation, magic, candles, angels, astrology - is it spiritual or material success that you're searching for?
- Mayan Prophecies, The [IA][Direct] -
Full of startling discoveries not only about the past and the seemingly remote civilization of the Maya but ourselves and the destiny of the human race.
- Messages from the Subterranean City of Telos and the Cetaceans [IA][Direct] -
A series of telepathic messages received from the Cetacean beings in the oceans of planet Earth.
- Offering, The [IA][Direct]
- Quest Bookshop [IA][Direct] -
For the beginner and the serious student of esoteric religion, science, and philosophy.
- Relevation of Ares, The [IA][Direct] -
Encourages spiritual individuality, the philosophical idealism: faith without religion, Christ without the church and without divinity.
- Seeds [IA][Direct]
- Spiritual Traditions of Sex, The [IA][Direct] -
Transform a physical act into a loving, focused ecstatic meditation where souls share, exchange and reinforce each other's energies.
- Sun-Scape Publications [IA][Direct] -
Consciousness by Kenneth George Mills.
- Synchronicity, Science, and Soul-Making [IA][Direct] -
A comprehensive study of Jung's synchronicity. Introduction, critical praise, and WWW discount.
- Tenth Insight [IA][Direct] -
James Redfield's adventure sequel to the Celestine Prophecy gives insight about holding the vision of human awareness and intuition.
- Thaddeus Books [IA][Direct] -
Antiquarian Bookstore. Old, Out-of-Print, Rare Interesting books.
- Understanding Aspects - The Inconjunct [IA][Direct] -
For astrologers, new age professionals and those seeking revelations. psychology of the quincunx and semisextile.
- Voices from the Edge [IA][Direct] -
Interviews with some of the most challenging innovators of our day.