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Commercial Products
  • BeyondPress [IA][Direct] - Astrobyte's XTension for QuarkXPress Macintosh 3.3 allows you to arrange document contents into HTML articles. Exports text to HTML.
  • Bluestem Technologies [IA][Direct] - Makers of db Web Builder which generates web pages from a database using a powerful and easy combination of HTML and xBase expressions.
  • CyberMechanix [IA][Direct] - Flowcharting applications and converter which converts flowcharts into HTML documents for web publication.
  • Doc-To-Help Hypertext Word Processing for MS Word [IA][Direct] - Helps you produce commercial quality custom documentation and then convert that documentation into Windows On-line Help automatically.
  • e-Gate [IA][Direct] - Exports QuarkXpress text to HTML or structured ASCII, and converts the images into JPEG or GIF files.
  • HexWeb SlideMaster/ Persuasion 2.1 to HTML [IA][Direct] - Converts Persuasion SlideShows to HTML Format.
  • HexWeb XTND [IA][Direct] - HexWeb XTND is an XTND filter for Claris Works, MacWrite Pro & Nisus Writer.
  • MacMunnis [IA][Direct] - Takes any ascii text document and merges ODBC data into the document to create a new web page
  • Multilinker [IA][Direct] - Inserts hypertext links automatically in Microsoft Word 6 or 95 and converts links into Adobe Acrobat PDF or HTML.
  • Netwin [IA][Direct] - Maker of WebTwin, software that converts HTML files into Windows help files
  • Webgen [IA][Direct] - Takes input from any database and converts it into HTML. Uses templates which can contain TCL scripting code.
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