- 3rd Planet Software [IA][Direct] -
Atlas Map package includes all the tools needed to create high performance geographic applications overlaid with dynamic map symbology.
- Advanced GEOgrafx, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Provides business mapping solutions, specializing in sales force strategy and realignement services.
- Advanced Topographical Development and Images [IA][Direct] -
ATDI are world leaders in the development of advanced topographical and radio propagation analyses software.
- American Technologies [IA][Direct] -
Using our mapping applications with our digital maps, accurately display location on any of our geographically correct maps.
- Argus Technologies [IA][Direct]
- AutoRoute [IA][Direct] -
Build a travel itinerary online, and receive a bound booklet containing custom maps, narrative directions, points of interest, and other helpful resources for your trip.
- Bellcore [IA][Direct] -
Nationwide reference geographic information system that provides precise geographic information for addresses, off-road points, and geopolitical boundaries.
- Blue Marble Geographics [IA][Direct] -
A leading developer of geographic software components.
- Business Geographics [IA][Direct] -
UK supplier of mapping systems, demographic and topographic data.
- CADDStar Group, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Developer of mapping software solutions. Includes Drafting and Facilities Management, RF/Coaxial Design, and Fiber Design.
- Carto Instruments Photogrammetry [IA][Direct] -
Analytical stereoplotter digital mapping photogrammetry, photo digitizing, GIS pc-based photogrammetric systems, custom software and training analog to analytic conversions.
- Centrax Group [IA][Direct] -
Software and outsourcing services for CRA, HMDA and fair lending that deliver geocoding, reporting and mapping for financial institutions.
- ChartWrite [IA][Direct] -
Download demo of GIS/mapping software and free runtime version.
- Desktop Mapping Software [IA][Direct] -
Software sellers in Spain for the products of MapInfo corporation also street maps, administrative maps, and census maps.
- Digital Cartography [IA][Direct] -
Consumer level mapping software for mouse pad geographers to professional grade gis systems.
- Discovery Graphics [IA][Direct]
- Earth Resource Mapping@ (1996)
- EMap Technologies [IA][Direct] -
GIS/OCX control; a full featured GIS. Download for a free trial.
- Energy Graphics, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Exploration mapping and data management software/service.
- ENVI [IA][Direct] -
Environment for Visualizing Images provides state-of-the-art tools for analyzing all types of remote sensing data (including multispectral, hyperspectral and radar).
- ERDAS [IA][Direct] -
Leading supplier of Image Processing, Spatial Analysis and Image Visualisation software for all kinds of digital imagery, datasets and maps.
- ETG Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Digital Mapping Services and Software Solutions.
- Facet [IA][Direct] -
Object-oriented software for spatial analysis, environmental impact analysis, decision support and GIS.
- GAG Computer Software [IA][Direct] -
Documentation and training in the use of EFB, CEFB and processing of EFB data.
- GDE Systems, Inc.@ (1996)
- GEOCADSYS [IA][Direct] -
Consultants, developers and integrators for Autocad, Microstation and Ole based environments.
- GeoData Solutions [IA][Direct] -
Developers of the "Mapping with MicroStation" series of books and providers of consulting and technical services to the GIS/mapping industry.
- Geodyssey [IA][Direct] -
Developers of GIS enabling technology.
- Geographic Sciences [IA][Direct] -
Consultants and developers for utilities, railroads and local governments.
- Geoscape International, Inc [IA][Direct]
- Geosoft [IA][Direct] -
Mapping and processing software for earth science applications.
- Geosoft Ltd. [IA][Direct] -
Includes the Map Tools suite of products for the development of MS Windows based mapping and GIS applications.
- GeoSystems [IA][Direct] -
Mapping technology solutions for information publishers.
- Geowarehouse [IA][Direct] -
GIS and GPS products from ESRI, Trimble, Accqpoint, Geoware and Novell. Certified ESRI ArcView instruction, Novell and Microsoft WindowsNT training.
- GNK Programming, Inc. [IA][Direct]
- Great Circle Software [IA][Direct] -
Download shareware that enables your own software to display a seamless map of sites, vehicles, and customers.
- Greenbrier Graphics Marketing, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Deed Plotter - windows program that allows non-technical users to draw maps and compute area & errors from legal descriptions.
- Hammon, Jensen, Wallen & Associates, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Digital mapping and software/training services for Geographic Information Systems, remote sensing, image processing, digital orthophotos, AM/FM, and aerial photography.
- High Country Software Ltd [IA][Direct] -
Mobile maps; natural 3d virtual reality maps that can be walked on and flown around on ordinary pcs.
- Horis Ltd. [IA][Direct] -
Software products for MS-Windows on base of the map of St.Petersburg.
- Horizons Technology, Inc (HTI) [IA][Direct] -
Offering Sure!MAPS, georeferenced, seamless, full color topo maps for use with software from ESRI, Intergraph, MapInfo and others. We offer map scanning services. Free samples and contest.
- ids - Digital Map Publishing Service [IA][Direct] -
Our subscription service will distribute your GIS vector and raster data to users via CD-ROM or LAN using our leading-edge Windows-based viewing software.
- ISTRAM [IA][Direct] -
Applications developed for the execution of projets which require an intensive manipulation of cartography.
- Just SoftWorks, Inc [IA][Direct] -
Commercial and vertical market mapping applications and technologies.
- Land Info [IA][Direct] -
Provides digital map data products.
- L.M.Technical Services [IA][Direct]
- LSC 2+1 [IA][Direct] -
Produces software like ACE, that makes and edits maps.
- MaconUSA [IA][Direct] -
Business mapping and presentation tools and map and demographic files for sales and marketing analysis.
- Mandli Communications, Inc [IA][Direct]
- Mapcom Systems, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Automated Mapping for organizations that rely on map-based data for their daily operations.
- Mapinfo, Inc@ (1996)
- Mapping Solutions Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Software that produces AutoCAD based custom landbase maps.
- Mapware Corporation [IA][Direct]
- MapXpress [IA][Direct] -
The mapping superstore.
- McKenzie Engineering [IA][Direct] -
GeoWeb provides GIS, E911 and digital mapping with USGS quads, topos and tax maps. Complete GIS development and custom programing.
- MidTex Mapping Services [IA][Direct] -
Digital maps for the Petroleum industry. Well and surface features included.
- Nobeltec's NavTrek [IA][Direct]
- Olympic Mapping System
[IA][Direct] -
Aerial photography, photogrammetric mapping, digital topo mapping, data conversion and more. - PCI [IA][Direct] -
Innovative geographic management software with capabilities in remote sensing
- PC Survey [IA][Direct] -
Microsoft Windows application that has been specifically designed to fulfill the calculation and drawing needs of the Professional Surveyor.
- Petrosys [IA][Direct] -
Geological and geophysical software for both Windows and Unix. Our products include mapping, digitizing, database, CGM and well-log display.
- Plexstar, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Providing innovative mapping and work management solutions to telephone, telecommuncations, cable, electric, gas, and water companies.
- Public Safety Associates [IA][Direct] -
Discounts on map software, training and consulting.
- Rocky Mountain Digital Peeks [IA][Direct] -
A developer and publisher of nature, entertainment and education oriented CD-ROM titles.
- SeaSpace [IA][Direct] -
Providing its customers with the most capable and advanced products for remote sensing along with the highest levels of service and support.
- Software Illustrated - MapLand [IA][Direct]
- Source Software Inc. [IA][Direct] -
U.S. and Canadian geographic databases that can be integrated into marketing, transportation, customer service and sales applications.
- Southeastern Reprographics, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Computerized maps and computer mapping services for utility companies, cities, county tax commissions, etc.
- SSi [IA][Direct]
- Stopwatch Maps [IA][Direct]
- Strategic Mapping [IA][Direct] -
Provides product information, technical support, files, and other resources for users of Atlas GIS, Conquest Data, and others.
- Sundance Software Inc [IA][Direct]
- TCI Software [IA][Direct] -
Mapping software and data for AutoCAD since 1988.
- Terra Data Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Geocart map drawing software; creates detailed, accurate maps in over 130 projections.
- Viewport Systems Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Developer of map/image user interfaces written in C++ for Unix/X11.