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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Computers > Software > Scientific > Mathematics >
  • CAMI Mathematics [IA][Direct] - Drill and practise system developed for networked application in schools from K - 12. Needs IBM compatible network.
  • Click&Learn Regression Brochure [IA][Direct] - An interactive program designed to teach regression analysis to lay persons. It is a "game" that involves creating data points with mouse clicks while the computer redraws the regression line with each click.
  • GRTensor [IA][Direct] - A MapleV based software package for doing tensor calculations.
  • HiQ [IA][Direct] - Interactive environment for math, data analysis, and data visualization.
  • IMSL [IA][Direct] - IMSL FORTRAN and C Numerical and Graphical Libraries.
  • Mathansr [IA][Direct] - Solving geometry and trigonometry problems for surveyors, navigators, engineers, students, programmers, architects, mold makers, teachers, and estimators.
  • Mathematics TestBuilder [IA][Direct] - Toolkit that helps teachers at all grade levels make and manage tests and worksheets.
  • MIX [IA][Direct] - Fits mixture distributions to grouped data by the method of maximum likelihood, with examples from fisheries, length-frequency analysis, and other applications.
  • PDESOL [IA][Direct] - Windows-based method of lines program for the solution of systems of ordinary and partial differential equations.
  • Schur [IA][Direct] - An advanced program for doing computations related to Lie groups and symmetric functions. Calculations using Young diagrams, the Littlewood-Richardson rule, Casimir invariants, and so forth. It runs on PCs and many Unix workstations.
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