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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Education > K-12 >
Enrichment Programs
  • Adventure Education, Inc. [IA][Direct] - A non-profit which brings authentic learning and real-life adventure into the classroom. Offers summer workshops and an interactive classroom adventure during the school year.
  • GlobaLearn, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Travel across Asia and learn about children in fifteen different countries.
  • Hart Learning Center [IA][Direct] - Providing SAT prep courses, college guidance, summer programs, and study skill training.
  • Learner's Dimension [IA][Direct] - An international development organization specializing in summer institutes, on-site programs & educational publications on learning & teaching styles.
  • Literature and Music [IA][Direct] - Discussion program for K-12 students, focusing on related works of literature and music, offered as an in-class workshop.
  • Score@Kaplan [IA][Direct] - Provides young learners with an after-school and summer environment for motivated learning.
  • Voyager [IA][Direct] - Enhanced k-12 educational site. After school learning environment.
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