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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Energy > Renewable >
  • Brower and Company [IA][Direct] - Providing analysis of alternative energy resources and technologies, wind resource mapping software and services, and electric resource planning.
  • Howard Associates [IA][Direct] - Provides consulting services in green building, energy studies, and technology research.
  • HydroServ Group [IA][Direct] - Dam and hydroelectric power plant safety, rehabilitation and modernization, operations and maintenance, construction, field and underwater inspection, and restoration services.
  • International Project for Sustainable Energy Paths (IPSEP) [IA][Direct] - Haven for cutting-edge research on energy and development policies that reduce carbon emissions while saving money, boosting jobs, and improving economic output.
  • Natural Power Company, The [IA][Direct] - An independant renewable energy consultancy specialising in wind energy.
  • Pacific Energy Group [IA][Direct] - Engineering and economics firm specializing in the analysis of renewable and distributed energy systems.
  • PanAero Corp [IA][Direct] - Serve the wind-energy industry in project planning, implementation, wind turbine selection, wind resource assessment, and wind measurements.
  • ZT Services, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Information and consulting services for the thermoelectric energy conversion community.
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