- Allergy Treatment Center - Florissant, MO [IA][Direct]
- Atlanta Allergy Clinic [IA][Direct]
- Certified Allergy Consultants [IA][Direct] -
Serving the Capital District of New York,Western Massachusetts,and Southern Vermont.
- Chiaramonte, Lawrence, M.D. [IA][Direct] -
Providing asthma and allergy family care. Location, office hours, and some basic medical information on these conditions.
- Decatur Allergy Clinic [IA][Direct] -
Specialty care in allergy and clinical immunology.
- Ear, Nose & Throat, Asthma & Allergy Specialty Group [IA][Direct] -
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases involving, ears, nose, throat, sinuses, asthma, & allergies.
- Environmental Health Center - Dallas [IA][Direct] -
Diagnosis/treatment for individuals with allergy and environmental-related illnesses.
- Howard Boltansky MD [IA][Direct] -
Practice limited to allergy and asthma consultation for patients four years of age and older in the Washington DC metro area.