- Allied Mental Health and Rehabilitation Clinics [IA][Direct] -
State certified clinics providing assistance to families, children, adolescents, adults, and corporations.
- Arrowhead Counseling Services [IA][Direct] -
Clinical and counseling services including employee assistance programs, consulting, court, forensic, geriatric, and mediation services.
- Atlanta Center for Cognitive Therapy [IA][Direct]
- Austin-Travis County Mental Health Mental Retardation Center [IA][Direct] -
Coordinating an intergrated array of quality community-based services to address the needs and requests of people whose lives are affected by mental disabilities.
- Carrier Foundation [IA][Direct] -
Site for group of hospitals offering mental health care.
- Center for Creative Growth [IA][Direct] -
Therapists trained by the John Bradshaw Center. Specialists in codependency treatment, inner child work, humanistic and recovery-oriented therapies.
- Center for Group Counseling [IA][Direct]
- Center for Health Care Services, The [IA][Direct] -
Community supported provider of services to consumers with disabilities related to mental health, mentalretardation, and substance abuse.
- Center for LifeWork Imaging [IA][Direct] -
Focus on health, wellness, and creating possibilities, we help individuals replace their fears with hope and possibility.
- Centre for the Grief Journey [IA][Direct] -
Offering counseling, books, tapes and other resources for those who have suffered a significant loss.
- Community Mental Health Center of Crawford County [IA][Direct] -
Outpatient mental health and addiction treatment services for residents of Southeast Kansas.
- Counseling & Human Development Center [IA][Direct] -
Network of nonprofit pastoral psychotherapy centers addressing both psychological and spiritual health; clergy wellness; consultation services to churches.
- Delson - Kokish Associtates [IA][Direct] -
Providing effective and rational support to victims and perpetrators of abuse. Site includes an index of articles addressing the issues of counselling survivors and perpetrators.
- DivorceCare [IA][Direct] -
Search our database of 1500 divorce recovery support group locations and find other resources for recovering from the hurt of separation or divorce.
- Family Communication Center [IA][Direct] -
Support groups, group therapy and individual, couple & family counseling, all based upon a sliding fee scale.
- Family Institute of Cambridge [IA][Direct] -
Family therapy training, psychodrama, narrative therapy, public conversations, video and interpersonal skills. CEUs for psychologists (APA) and social workers (NASW).
- Grief Recovery Institute, The [IA][Direct] -
Provides programs and workshops for individuals dealing with loss. Also provides Grief Recovery Training Programs for Health Care Professionals throughout North America.
- Grieving Well Center [IA][Direct] -
Offering programs, books and products in the area of grief and loss to both individuals and families as well as the professionals and volunteers who support them.
- GTO Family Ministries [IA][Direct] -
Provides marriage enrichment articles, books, and tapes.
- Healing Outreach [IA][Direct] -
Center for healing and spiritual growth. The ministry endeavors to spread the healing love and peace of Jesus Christ into every dimension of the community life we share.
- Horizon Health Services [IA][Direct] -
Private, not-for-profit mental health, chemical dependency, and medical services provider which does not receive state deficit funding for any of its program operations.
- Instituto de Terapias Globales [IA][Direct] -
Reeducacion postural global (RPG), posturologia metodo gimnasia "cuerpo y consciencia," musicoterapia y biomusica, y programacion neurolingüistica (PNL).
- Kavod [IA][Direct] -
A program for men with sexual obsessions and compulsions.
- LaMora Psychological Associates - Nashua, NH [IA][Direct] -
Corporate EAP consulting, in addition to group and individual therapy.
- Maple Ridge Treatment Centre [IA][Direct] -
For the treatment of alcohol and drug addictions.
- Medical College of Wisconsin ABC Clinic [IA][Direct] -
Evaluation program for children with complex developmental problems.
- Mental Health Associates [IA][Direct] -
Provides diagnostic assessment, psychotherapy, counseling and more.
- Mid-Life Dimensions [IA][Direct] -
Counseling service that focuses on mid-life adults and their families through seminars, radio, television, books, articles and tapes.
- Montrose Counseling Center [IA][Direct] -
Services are provided primarily for and about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals and their significant others.
- Omnihealth Services [IA][Direct] -
Multifaceted eating disorder program including intensive outpatient programs, weekly support groups, and individual therapy.
- Pacific Coast Family Training and Therapy Association [IA][Direct] -
For individuals and families.
- PAIRSnet [IA][Direct] -
Help about love, communications, intimacy, sensuality and sexuality, and fair fighting.
- Pastoral Counseling Center of the Mid-Willamette Valley [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to informing the public about our non-profit services, and to informing our colleagues and peers about how we are doing our work.
- Pederson-Krag Center, The [IA][Direct] -
Outpatient mental health and chemical dependency services. Services include the Gampro program for compulsive gamblers.
- Persoma Management Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Executive coaching, business consultation and individual counseling.
- Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor (PBSP) [IA][Direct] -
Body oriented psychotherapy which creates memories through neuromuscular, reprogramming; generating hope and well-being.
- Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services [IA][Direct] -
Comprehensive behavioral health center offering services for children, adolescents, adults, and older adults.
- Pink Practice [IA][Direct] -
Counselling and psychotherapy in person and by e-mail. Also resource list of social constructionist and systemic theories regarding sexuality and therapy.
- Process Therapy Institute [IA][Direct] -
Trainings and internships for psychotherapists. Classes and individual psychotherapy and counseling.
- Providence Center, The [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit behavioral health care system, providing care throughout Southeastern New England.
- Provident Counseling, Inc. [IA][Direct]
- Psychological Associates of Lancaster PA, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Therapy, psychotherapy and testing services.
- RedCliff Ascent Outdoor Therapy Program [IA][Direct] -
Adolescent outdoor therapy program.
- Relate Counseling Center, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Psychologists, social workers and psychiatrists performing all services
- Renfrew Center [IA][Direct] -
Women's mental health center specializing in treatment of eating disorders, trauma, anxiety and depression.
- Samaritan Center for Counseling and Pastoral Care [IA][Direct] -
Provides psychotherapy and mental health counseling which acknowledges the spiritual dimension of life while respecting all religious-faith perspectives.
- Sanatorio Virtual Julio Corzo [IA][Direct] -
Cirugía miniinvasiva de vanguardia mundial. Transplante coclear.
- Saratoga Family Health Center [IA][Direct] -
Integrated practice of psychotherapy for couples and families.
- Shiloh Counseling Center [IA][Direct] -
Christian counseling services for the poor.
- Stepfamily Foundation Counseling [IA][Direct] -
Divorced, remarried with children, stepfamily phone counseling. Insurance approved, international clients. English/German.
- Stuart Robertson & Associates [IA][Direct] -
Occupational psychologists providing test training, individual assessment, assessment centre design, and exercise, narrative software and questionnaire development.
- Tele-Counsel [IA][Direct] -
Toll-free therapeutic counseling service conducted entirely by telephone.
- The WholeFamily Center [IA][Direct] -
Explore marriage, family, child and teenage relationships and everyday conflicts using interactive counseling programs and multimedia real-audio drama.
- Tillamook Family Counseling Center [IA][Direct]
- Trinity Counseling Centre [IA][Direct] -
Private practice in Dallas treating all ages and disorders. Online consultation available.
- Von Bargen Associates, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
A multidisciplinary group of mental health professionals providing counseling and psychological services.
- Webster Groves Counseling [IA][Direct] -
Counseling services. Also group dealing with women's issues.