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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Industrial Supplies > Heavy Equipment > Manufacturers >
  • Cascade Corporation [TheOldNet][Direct] - Manufacturers of lift-truck attachment products including clamps, sideshifters, fork positioners, load stabilizers, push/pulls, masts, cylinders, and custom materials handling equipment.
  • Crown [TheOldNet][Direct] - Manufactures heavy-duty electric lift trucks used in transporting materials and goods in warehouses and distribution centers throughout the world.
  • Nissan Forklift N.A. - Marengo, IL [TheOldNet][Direct] - Providing many types of forklifts to North America.
  • NorthWest Handling Systems [TheOldNet][Direct] - Material handling dealer for Crown lift trucks, Rite-Hite loading dock equip., Komatsu fork lifts and Interlake storage products. Serving Washington, Oregon and Alaska.
  • Yale [TheOldNet][Direct] - Manufactures and markets a full line of forklifts and services.
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