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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Outdoors >
  • Hunting Information Systems [IA][Direct] - On-line guide to hunting-related services internationally with outfitters & guides, maps, weather, and articles.
  • Japan Whaling Association [IA][Direct] - Nonprofit organization to represent the view of whalers in Japan; advocating whaling based upon sustainable utilization of wildlife resources.
  • Northwest Hunter [IA][Direct] - Television program. New breed of outdoor sporting enthusiasts. Drama of outdoor hunting.
  • Orvis [IA][Direct] - Includes information on fishing vacations, shooting lodges; also product information including fly-fishing tackle and gear, dealer directory and a conservation bulletin.
  • Safari Communications Network [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to providing hunters with up to date hunting information about outfitters, products and hunting information throughout the world.
  • Sportmans Dream, The [IA][Direct] - An index of outfitters and guides that offer hunting trips, and manufactures of sporting equipment.
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