- Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) [IA][Direct] -
Ensuring the standards of non-broadcast advertisements in the UK. Site contains the British Codes of Advertising, research and database of adjudications on complaints.
- American Marketing Association@ (1997)
- Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International [IA][Direct] -
HSMAI provides education and networking opportunities for its members.
- International Advertising Association [IA][Direct]
- Internet Marketing Association of Global Enterprises [IA][Direct] -
Members on every continent except Antartica. Free marketing newsletter and web site with ideas for promoting your internet business.
- Medical Marketing Association [IA][Direct] -
Personal, professional, and educational opportunities in the marketing of medical products and services.
- Native American Marketing & Development Corporation [IA][Direct] -
Represents Native American tribally-owned businesses and Alaska Native corporations.
- Photo Marketing Association International [IA][Direct] -
16,000 members in 85 countries. Sections of PMA include APCL, APCDI, NAPET, PIEA, PSPA, CPC, and SPFE.
- Professional Pricing Society / Pricing Advisor [IA][Direct]
- Sales and Marketing Exchange [IA][Direct] -
A comprehensive resource for sales and marketing professionals looking for sales and marketing service providers and software products.
- Sales and Marketing Executives International@ (1997)
- Seattle Direct Marketing Association [IA][Direct] -
Providing a forum for educational programs and networking opportunities.
- Sveriges Marknadsförbund [IA][Direct] -
Sveriges Marknadsförbund arbetar med marknadsföring, lagstiftning, marknadsekonomi, utbildning och utveckling inom dessa områden.
- World Entrepreneur Association [IA][Direct] -
Whether your starting a new business or growing an existing one, WEA can help you present your product or service effectively to the Internet.