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Home > Business and Economy > Organizations > Public Interest Groups > Poverty > Hunger >
Relief Organizations
  • California Emergency Foodlink [IA][Direct] - Job training programs generate income for food distribution work.
  • Food For Survival [IA][Direct] - Solicits, collects, warehouses, and distributes food to a wide range of community feeding programs.
  • Food For The Hungry [IA][Direct] - Christ-motivated international relief and development organization.
  • Food Runners [IA][Direct] - Picks up excess food from restaurants, markets, hotels, and conventions and delivers it to relief programs.
  • FREE the NEED [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to distributing our surplus food, clothing, and shelter to needy families.
  • Gleaners Food Bank [IA][Direct] - Community-based, private, nonprofit agency, whose purpose is to alleviate hunger in Indiana.
  • Mazon [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to eliminating hunger and its causes in the United States and around the world; supports anti-hunger efforts without regard to the religion of the sponsoring organization.
  • Northwest Harvest [IA][Direct] - Preventing hunger in Washington State since 1967
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