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Home > Business and Economy > Books >
  • Black & White Books [IA][Direct] - Specializing in nude photography books, including David Hamilton, Irina Ionesco, and out-of-print and hard-to-find titles.
  • Body-n-Mind [IA][Direct] - Nudist videos and books, including social and legal issues, and nude photography books including David Hamilton, Sally Mann, and Jock Sturges.
  • Creative Resource [IA][Direct] - Offers a selection of books, archival storage products, and slide captioning software.
  • D.A.P. Distributed Art Publishers [IA][Direct] - Art, photography, literature and architecture books, CD-ROMS, artists' videos ad exhibition catalogs from around the world.
  • DoubleTake Books [IA][Direct] - Presents the works of writers and photographers who seek to render the world as it is and as it might be. Published by the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University, in Association with W.W. Norton.
  • Merklinger's Photo Books [IA][Direct] - Technical books about focus and depth of field, including view camera applications (tilted lenses).
  • Petra Kellers Photo/ACR Book Service [IA][Direct] - Offers camera reference and price guides, titles on the history of photography, how-to books, and repair manuals.
  • Photo-Eye Books & Prints [IA][Direct] - Photography bookstore featuring over 8,000 titles of international acclaim including fine-art, documentary, nudes, essays, technical, and out-of-print.
  • Rainbowed Sea Tours [IA][Direct] - Specialilzing in small personally oriented diving tours for underwater photographers. Beautiful books of marine photography and underwater camera equipment also for sale.
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