- FirstClass@ (1997)
- Groupware [vt.edu] [IA][Direct]
- Hypernews [IA][Direct] -
A cross between the hypermedia of WWW and Usenet News. The basic idea is to allow readers to respond to any articles or responses they read in the HyperNews web.
- Knowledge Worker System (KWS) [IA][Direct] -
Enables a workgroup to define their required tasks, information resources, institutional knowledge, and computer apps. Used by the Department of Defense.
- Tango [IA][Direct] -
Java/WWW-based collaborative system for Internet distance education and remote collaboration.
- Tasker v1.1 Groupware for Windows [IA][Direct] -
Designed to manage and analyze a workgroup's projects, tasks, people, resources and documents. Powerful charts and reporting features.
- Toolbook OnLine [IA][Direct] -
Represents an example of my new hyperfolio research effort, where information is linked, modifiable, and creatable, locally or remotely over the Net.
- WWW Collaboration Projects [IA][Direct]