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  • Ask the Oracle Power Objects Pro [IA][Direct] - Free service offered by inquiry.com providing technical advice from an expert in Oracle Power Objects.
  • FAQ - Oracle [IA][Direct] - FAQs and FTP archive related to Oracle RDBMS. Most files in the archive are freeware or shareware. Primarily intended for developers and DBAs.
  • JCC's Oracle7 Page [IA][Direct] - A collection of resources related to Oracle Corporation's Oracle7 product suite.
  • Oracle@  (1996)
  • ORACLE Magazine [IA][Direct] - With every issue of ORACLE Magazine, you get in-depth analyses of emerging technology issues; news about the latest and hottest products and more.
  • Oracle Rdb [IA][Direct]
  • ORAsearch [IA][Direct] - Search engine of available ORACLE professionals world wide.
  • SSC Oracle Page [IA][Direct] - Oracle-related information including articles, freeware, and links to other Oracle resources
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