- CambridgeSoft Corporation@ (1996)
- Chemistry Higher Education Workgroup [IA][Direct] -
CHEW: develops computer-based learning materials for use in teaching and learning chemistry. Download Chemland, a suite of free interactive chemistry education modules.
- Chemistry Software for Macintosh [IA][Direct]
- Chem-It [IA][Direct] -
Freeware program for the novice chemistry student. The current version includes an interactive periodic table, conversion charts, and much more.
- Chemware [IA][Direct] -
Download chemistry shareware for high school students and teachers.
- CrystalDesigner [IA][Direct] -
A tool for building, studying and visualising all kinds of inorganic crystal structures on the Macintosh platform.
- EQS4WIN [IA][Direct] -
Calculates chemical equilibrium compositions for a broad range of systems, based on the algorithms of Smith and Missen.
- Huckel project [IA][Direct] -
This is a software project in which a huckel program for Windows is developed.
- Hypothesis Software [IA][Direct] -
3D-QSAR software designed to run on the PC. Correlates structure to binding activity for up to 400 molecules
- Kinetics Simulation Project and Software [IA][Direct] -
Developed by chemists at IBM's Almaden Research Center. provides the bench scientist with an easy-to-use, rapid, interactive method for the accurate simulation of chemical reactions.
- MOLCAS [IA][Direct]
- MOLGEN [IA][Direct] -
Provides an efficient, portable and inexpensive tool for molecular structure elucidation in science and education
- Molscript [IA][Direct] -
A program for creating molecular graphics in the form of PostScript plot files
- Pencil: NMR simulationand visualization [IA][Direct] -
Pencil is a simulation and visualization package for NMR and MRI. It is freely available and runs on Silicon Graphics computers.
- PovChem [IA][Direct] -
Combines chemistry and raytracing to create high quality graphics of molecular models.
- PTViz [IA][Direct] -
Macintosh program for illustrating the organizing principles for the periodic table. Select elements, graph properties, and print tables.
- Tulane University WWW Chemistry Pages [IA][Direct] -
Includes software, the A^ Research Group and links to chemistry sites.