Fibre Channel Association [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Encourage the utilization of Fibre Channel and complement the activities of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) X3T11 committee.
Open 56K Forum [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Industry leaders initiate open 56k forum to support interoperable 56-kbps modem technology.
PASC [TheOldNet][Direct] -
The people who brought you POSIX and related standards.
Stardust IP Multicast Initiative [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Speeding the migration to IP Multicast by providing services promoting the creation, use, and deployment of standards-based IP Multicast products and solutions.
X/Open [TheOldNet][Direct] -
Not-for-profit, vendor-independent, international consortium which is dedicated to the advancement of open systems throughout the world