- Canada's SchoolNet [IA][Direct] -
Resource for Canadian teachers and students.
- Comcast Online Schoolyard [IA][Direct] -
Guide to the best education sites on the web.
- CoolSchool [IA][Direct] -
A clearinghouse of sites for high school students and their teachers, sponsored by Vassar College.
- ED's Oasis [IA][Direct] -
Makes it easier for teachers to find and use the best web sites with their students.
- Education Station [IA][Direct] -
Contains 2500+ e-texts, 2500+ lesson plans, over 600 online courses, search engines, experts, study resources, 100 dictionaries, encyclopedia's, links to 1000's of educational sites.
- FundsNet [IA][Direct] -
Resource center for parents, teachers, children and nonprofit organizations.
- K-12 Projects and Activities [IA][Direct] -
Join in on the fun of sharing ideas and solving problems through email projects, chat rooms, teleconferencing, and newsgroups.
- K-12 Teacher's Place [IA][Direct] -
Links to k-12 sites, mailinglists, shareware, and more.
- Lane's Land [IA][Direct] -
Links to educational resources for teachers, students and parents.
- School 2000 [IA][Direct] -
Recognizing schools on the internet who are leading the way by using technology in their classrooms.
- Teachers@work [IA][Direct] -
Reviewed education sites. All curriculum areas and levels covered. Sites have comments, teaching suggestions, and age and presentation ratings.