- APPA: The Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers [IA][Direct] -
The APPA vision -- Global Partner in Learning.
- Associated Western Universities (AWU)e [IA][Direct] -
A consortium of 62 universities working with government, industry, and academe to develop and administer a broad spectrum of science and engineering education programs.
- Association for the Promotion and Advancement of Science Education [IA][Direct] -
APASE develops educational resources for teachers, parents, children, and ESL students. Features Forensic Files, Charlotte, and more.
- Birmingham Maths [IA][Direct] -
Latest information and free resources for the teaching of mathematics and numeracy.
- Birmingham Science and Technology Regional Organisation (SATRO) [IA][Direct] -
Existing to promote science and technology careers among young people.
- Canada/USA Mathcamps [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit dedicated to mathematics education of the talented.
- Georgia Youth Science & Technology Centers, Inc [IA][Direct] -
Private, non-profit educational organization designed to increase interest and enthusiasm in science and the technologies, particularly among elementary and middle school teachers and students.
- Georgia Youth Science & Technology Centers, Inc [IA][Direct] -
Private, non-profit educational organization designed to increase interest and enthusiasm in science and the technologies, particularly among elementary and middle school teachers and students.
- Grand Traverse Regional Math, Science, and Technology Center [IA][Direct] -
Initiates, coordinates, and integrates mathematics, science, and technological opportunities to ensure that students have access to quality instruction.
- Kentucky Association of Physics Teachers [IA][Direct]
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Science and Math Education [IA][Direct] -
Mission for the Laboratory is to apply its resources and expertise to help enhance the teaching of science, mathematics, and technology both locally and nationwide through exploration, discovery, and understanding of the relevance of science and technology.
- MESA [IA][Direct] -
University of California program designed to assist students to excel in math and science and graduate with math-based degrees.
- National Association of Precollege Directors (NAPD) [IA][Direct] -
Seeks to increase the pool of underrepresented students pursuing engineering, mathematics, and technology-based college study.
- NCSA Education Group@ (1997)
- Nebraska Mathematics and Science Coalition (NMSC) [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit math and science education organization. Site includes video clips from our middle school math series, info about opportunities, and links to resources.
- New Mexico MESA, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Statewide pre-college program designed to encourage under-represented populations in the fields of science and mathematics.
- New York State Systemic Initiative [IA][Direct] -
Education contacts, classroom practices, and links to other MST sites. Funded by the National Science Foundation.
- NISE - National Institute for Science Education [IA][Direct]
- Science ALIVE [IA][Direct] -
An integrated, curriculum based science program whose goal is to show students that science is exciting, interesting and for everyone regardless of sex or academic background.
- Science and Mathematics Consortium for Northwest Schools [IA][Direct] -
Facilitates communication among math and science educators in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska.
- Science and Mathematics Network of Central Ohio [IA][Direct] -
Coalition of school districts, business, government agencies and organizations dedicated to improving elementary school science and mathematics.
- Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit education and research corporation dedicated to reform and improvement of mathematics and science education by appropriate incorporation of computational and communication technologies.
- Solve-It [IA][Direct] -
A middle grades summer mathematics and problem solving program that gives students an opportunity to sharpen their skills. Offered by the University of Delaware.
- TERC [IA][Direct] -
Nonprofit research and development organization committed to improving mathematics and science learning and teaching.
- Young Scientist Program [IA][Direct] -
Program promoting science with underprivileged youth; also resources helpful science, computer, web, and education.