CCQC Summer Fellowship [IA][Direct] -
Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry Undergraduate Fellowship Program offers a summer position to several qualified undergraduates. Application deadline is April 1, 1996.
Fund for American Studies [IA][Direct] -
Summer program for undergraduate college students includes internships, courses for credit, and weekly dialogues with national policy leaders.
Harvard University Summer School [IA][Direct] -
Browse this summer's courses offerings, download application forms, and learn about English language and secondary school programs.
Kuopio Summer School in Neurosciences [IA][Direct] -
Instruction in the neurobiological basis of cognitive decline in aging; intended for Ph.D. students both in and outside Finland.
Shad Valley [IA][Direct] -
A summer program for bright students across Canada.
Summer Opportunities for Medical Students [IA][Direct] -
A listing of summer fellowships and opportunities for first year medical students sponsored by the Washington University School of Medicine Chapter of the American Medical Association (AMA).