- Calvin and Hobbes Jumpstation [IA][Direct]
- Calvin and Hobbes Snow Art Gallery [IA][Direct] -
Contains most of the strips where Calvin has created a work of art with snow.
- Calvin and Hobbes [Jay Clark] [IA][Direct]
- Calvin and Hobbes Page [Jonathan Steele] [IA][Direct]
- Calvin and Hobbes Paradise [IA][Direct]
- Calvin and Hobbes' Suburban Jungle [IA][Direct]
- Calvin and Hobbes: Unplugged [IA][Direct] -
Includes a "cartoon of the month."
- Calvin & Hobbes Cartoon of the Month [IA][Direct]
- Calvin & Hobbes [Peyton, Rick] [IA][Direct] -
Lot of links and images.
- Cathy [IA][Direct]
- Character Profiles from Another Planet - Gold Edition [IA][Direct] -
Tribute page which contains comic strips, character profiles, links to other Calvin and Hobbes sites, and more.
- Cheapening of the Comics, The [IA][Direct] -
A speech by Bill Watterson delivered at the Festival of Cartoon Art, Ohio State University, October 27, 1989.
- Everything you need to know about Calvin and Hobbes [IA][Direct]
- Geoff's Calvin and Hobbes Page [IA][Direct] -
A few of my favorite Calvin and Hobbes strips.
- Hobbes' Hobbes Page [IA][Direct]
- House of Hobbes, The [IA][Direct]
- Lassi Ja Leevi! [IA][Direct] -
...Calvin and Hobbes in Finland!
- Last Day of Calvin and Hobbes, The [IA][Direct] -
A tribute to "Calvin and Hobbes". It's a discussion page where C&H fans post their opinions on the duo and their favorite C&H strips for others to read.
- Make Your Own Calvin and Hobbes Strip [IA][Direct] -
Show your personal made Calvin and Hobbes comic strips to the rest of the internet users of the world, or take a look at the hundreds of strips already there!
- Online Calvin and Hobbes [IA][Direct] -
A great collection of tid bits...
- Outrageous Calvin and Hobbes Page [IA][Direct]
- Paul's Tribute to Calvin and Hobbes [IA][Direct]
- Potts' Calvin and Hobbes Page [IA][Direct]
- Spaceman Spiff Saves the Day!! [IA][Direct]
- URL CHANGE!!! [IA][Direct] -
With quotes from Watterson and some well-known fans.
- Your Daily Dose of Calvin and Hobbes [IA][Direct]