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  • Nobel Prize Internet Archive  [*] [IA][Direct] - An archive of all previous winners, categorized by prize.
  • Parent Soup!  [*] [IA][Direct] - Community where parents can discuss and learn about parenting, kids, adoption, family issues, dating, money, travel, entertainment, and much more from the experts and each other.
  • White Trash Online  [*] [IA][Direct] - YEE-HA! This here's homebase for all ya'll trailer park denizens. Cheap beer, talk show drafting, propane tank sales, and all kinds of free stuff. C'mon sister/mother, git off yer butt!
  • PoliceScanner.com [IA][Direct] - Where you can hear real cops on the beat 24 hours a day via RealAudio.
  • Zen Stories to Tell Your Neighbors [IA][Direct] - Perhaps, like the old man at the top of the precipice, you will see something surprising.
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