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  • fray  [*] [IA][Direct] - A place for people who believe the web is about personal expression and a new kind of art.
  • Lycaeum  [*] [IA][Direct] - Drug information server - graphics, software, discussion forums, books, links, and drug culture.
  • Magdalena, Donea  [*] [IA][Direct]
  • Unofficial Soundgarden Page  [*] [IA][Direct] - The unofficial site of an awesome band. In my opinion, this site is the most comprehensive and exhaustive Soundgarden resource on the web. Always fresh, always original, and updated constantly.
  • After Dinner [IA][Direct] - Everyone has a story. This is where they get to share them.
  • Amy Miller Acosta [IA][Direct] - Amy's back! Well, she's been back, I just didn't find out until recently.
  • Bill Osborg's Perceptions [IA][Direct]
  • bitsandpieces [IA][Direct] - Stop by Stephanie Burr's site and find out everything you wanted to know about her and maybe even some things you didn't.
  • Glassdog [IA][Direct] - Featuring not only the answers to all your questions, but more words than you can shake a stick at. But don't, okay?
  • Gripman, Stuart [IA][Direct] - A collection of photos from San Francisco and surrounding areas as far south as Orange County, California (the place that went bankrupt) and as far north as Marin County (not likely ever to go bankrupt).
  • Panmedia [IA][Direct] - Specializes in the design, production and implementation of new media. We create websites, CD-ROMs, instructional and marketing materials and other corporate multimedia.
  • Perfect Paws [IA][Direct] - A dog and cat behavior and training center.
  • Powazek [IA][Direct] - The personal homepage of Derek M. Powazek, with a design that is elegant in its simplicity. Go there now!
  • Something New?  [IA][Direct] - Go say hi to Mark Prince. Tell him I sent you, he doesn't know me, but tell him anyway.
  • Tabatha Holtz [IA][Direct] - Resident web deity. Find out about the ugly naked guys!
  • The Corporation [IA][Direct] - They own the internet, they own you...just do what they say.
  • The other side of myself... [IA][Direct] - Michael Woodward's site is "part photoessay, part journal, with an emphasis on the story that is evoked from an image." Thanks Michael, I couldn't have said it better myself.
  • Tori Amos [IA][Direct] - Tori why haven't you called?
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