- Addicted To: Stuff [IA][Direct] -
Read about the cars we hate. I'll never buy a Volkswagen again.
- Dilbert [IA][Direct]
- Guide to Lock Picking [IA][Direct]
- Hyperreal [IA][Direct] -
Cool rave culture site. Find out how to make Ecstasy in your own blender.
- Kersplat.com [IA][Direct] -
A friend of mine with a great domain name. Try to find his cat, Hendrix.
- Majestic Software [IA][Direct]
- Suck [IA][Direct] -
A fish, a barrel, and a smoking gun.
- The Corporation [IA][Direct] -
They own the internet, they own you...just do what they say.
- Turtle Trax - A Marine Turtle Page [IA][Direct] -
Sea turtle information, pictures, and cartoons. Includes the story of the turtles of Honokowai, Maui, Hawaii, and their struggle with tumours and a degrading environment.
- Webhippie [IA][Direct] -
One who is immersed in the new culture of the World Wide Web, which emphasizes freedom of information and the access to it.