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Home > Entertainment > Cool Links > Surfers' Picks >
  • Archie McPhee  [*] [IA][Direct] - The definitive source for rubber chickens, cheap imported trinkets, weird overstocks, other disgusting, hilarious, fascinating novelties.
  • Macintouch  [*] [IA][Direct] - Information and services for productive Macintosh computing.
  • Salon  [*] [IA][Direct] - Magazine of books, arts and ideas dedicated to the power of the written word.
  • Travelocity  [*] [IA][Direct] - Buy airline tickets, get details on worldwide destinations, browse through interests ranging from restaurants and concerts to golf courses and theater. Purchase products and share experiences via chats and bulletin boards.
  • Vertex, The  [*] [IA][Direct] - A searchable browsable repository for VRML.
  • Encyclopedia Brady [IA][Direct] - An interactive guide to the "Brady Bunch" universe
  • EvangeList [IA][Direct] - The official Mac EvangeLista site. Join the ranks of Guy Kawasaki in the effort to stem the tide of the Evil Empire.
  • Find Out Your Hawaiian Name [IA][Direct]
  • Padron Cigars [IA][Direct]
  • VW Haus [IA][Direct] - Volkswagen related art, images, and 3D graphics. Also includes a small selection of old VW ads.
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