- An Caorthann (The Rowan Tree) [IA][Direct] -
Quarterly magazine for the Irish Green Party and the wider green movement.
- An Phoblacht / Republican News [IA][Direct] -
Weekly newspaper with an Irish Republican perspective. Includes news and analysis on national and international affairs, sports and the arts.
- Film Ireland [IA][Direct]
- Hot Press [IA][Direct] -
Covering current affairs, cinema, sport with its roots firmly in rock 'n' roll.
- In Dublin Magazine [IA][Direct] -
Whats on where and when in Dublin.
- InfoLive [IA][Direct] -
The home of ComputerScope and PC Live.
- Ireland's Eye [IA][Direct] -
Covering the country and it's culture. Includes resources on tourism, genealogy, folklore, mythology and history.
- Ireland Today [IA][Direct] -
Current affairs magazine.
- Irish Architect [IA][Direct]
- News of Ireland [IA][Direct] -
Ireland's first independent Web-dedicated newspaper gives a week-by-week overview of news, sport and important trends. Updated for Thursday.
- Onsite Ireland [IA][Direct] -
Documents specific architectural projects currently being developed and built and heightens awareness of architectural developments within Ireland.
- Politics [IA][Direct]
- Rant [IA][Direct] -
Music, films, tv, whatever. Popscene, alright.
- RM_Distribution [IA][Direct] -
Daily electronic news service about events in Ireland, particularly the Northern Ireland Peace Process.
- Sorted Magazine [IA][Direct] -
Includes interviews, gig/album reviews and more. Find it free around Dublin.
- World of Hibernia, The [IA][Direct] -
A magazine for the Irish diaspora.