- Double Reed, The [IA][Direct] -
Publication featuring articles on double reed history, playing technique, and more.
- Flute Club America [IA][Direct]
- Online Trombone Journal, The [IA][Direct] -
Discussion of trombone perfromance and pedagogy.
- To The World's Bassoonists [IA][Direct] -
Newsletter for intercommunication of ideas and events about the bassoon.
- To the World's Oboists [IA][Direct]
- Trumpet Herald [IA][Direct] -
Find and post information regarding any aspect of the trumpet world. Features include articles, announcements, classifieds, personals, and others.
- Windplayer Online [IA][Direct] -
The electronic version of the printed magazine. It's for players of saxophone, trumpet, flute, trombone, clarinet, etc.