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Home > Government > Agencies > Independent > National Science Foundation (NSF) >
Curriculum Development Projects - National Science Foundation
  • ATLAST [IA][Direct] - NSF project encouraging the use of software in teaching linear algebra. Site contains matlab m-files, lesson plans and information about the project.
  • Connected Geometry Project [IA][Direct] - Curriculum development project for high school geometry courses.
  • Geosciences at the National Science Foundation [IA][Direct] - Geosciences research at the national science foundation. educational resource for teachers, students, and general public.
  • Integrating Science Concepts Project [IA][Direct] - Four-year project funded by the NSF with the purpose of enriching the teaching of science at the elementary and middle school levels.
  • SUCCEED [IA][Direct] - Southeastern University and College Coalition for Engineering EDucation consists of nine southeastern universities' engineering colleges committed to education for the 21st Century.
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