- United Nations [IA][Direct] -
Includes daily news updates, pictoral history and descriptions of UN departments and offices.
- Academic Council on the United Nations System [IA][Direct]
- Charter of the UN [IA][Direct]
- Christian Mission for the United Nations Community [IA][Direct] -
A non-denominational Christian organization based at the U.N.
- Deutscher Übersetzungsdienst - German Translation Section [IA][Direct] -
Dokumente der Vereinten Nationen in deutscher Sprache: Generalversammlung, Sicherheitsrat, und andere. United Nations documents in German: General Assembly, Security Council, others.
- Economic Comission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) [IA][Direct] -
Promotes social and economic development; provides technical assistance; cooperates with regional and international organizations; conducts research on trade, environment, population.
- Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE) [IA][Direct] -
Forum at which the countries of North America, western, central and eastern Europe and central Asia come together to forge the tools of their economic cooperation.
- Electronic Field Trip to the United Nations [IA][Direct] -
Includes classroom activities, the UN in action, background on the UN, links and other resources, electronic field trip subscription information.
- Fourth World Conference on Women@ (1997)
- Geneva Youth Forum Association [IA][Direct] -
An association of young people from all over the world to discuss about problems like environment, health, humanitaries, aso.
- International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia [IA][Direct] -
Official UN site, including a bulletin of the tribunal's activities, list of cases, basic legal documents and publications.
- International Mediterranean Regionalismon the 50th Anniversary of United Nations [IA][Direct] -
Assembly of the Council of Europe.
- International Peacekeeping '96 [IA][Direct] -
Conferences and seminars on working with the UN and its humanitarian agencies. September 8-10, 1996.
- PC vs Mac Wars [IA][Direct] -
Webchat Broadcasting System Channel
- Permanent Mission Of Italy to the International Organzations - Geneva [IA][Direct] -
Organization of the mission; relations between Italy and international organizations; addresses of Italian embassies; vacancies in international organizations.
- RefWorld [IA][Direct] -
Databases of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees offer rapid access to reliable information in the public domain.
- ReliefWeb [IA][Direct] -
Project of the United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs (DHA) whose purpose is to strengthen the response capacity of the humanitarian relief community.
- Seminar on United Nations and International Affairs [IA][Direct] -
SUNIA is an exciting program about United Nations and International affairs offered every year in August for over 140 High School students.
- United Nations Association@ (1997)
- United Nations - Fifty Years@ (1997)
- United Nations Gopher [IA][Direct]
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [IA][Direct]
- United Nations International Drug Control Programme - UNDCP/INCB [IA][Direct]
- United Nations in Ukraine [IA][Direct]
- United Nations - IYF Homepage [IA][Direct]
- United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (OOSA) [IA][Direct] -
Deals with outer space related activities through a programme with legal, political and technical assistance components.
- United Nations Peace-keeping [IA][Direct] -
Updated monthly.
- United Nations Peace-keeping [IA][Direct] -
Updated monthly.
- United Nations Permanent Mission of Madagascar [IA][Direct] -
An information service provided by the Mission of Madagascar to the United Nations in Geneva.
- United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA [IA][Direct] -
Internationaly funded source of population assistance for developing countries.
- United Nations Scholars' Workstation at Yale University [IA][Direct] -
A collection of texts, finding aids, data sets, maps, and pointers to print and electronic information about the United Nations and U.N. Studies at Yale University.
- United Nations Volunteers [IA][Direct]
- United Nations Volunteers [IA][Direct]
- UN Opposition Watch-Site [IA][Direct] -
Promotes rational public discussion of U.N. issues by refuting the myths, rumors and general misperceptions surrounding the world organization.
- World Summit for Social Development@ (1996)
- Yggdrasil [IA][Direct] -
Government information for individual countries and specifically the United Nations.