- Akron Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Alberta Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Quarterly legal journal published by the students of the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary.
- American Indian Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Specialized law review devoted providing a forum for scholarly writing in the areas of the law that particularly affect American Indians.
- American Journal of Criminal Law [IA][Direct] -
From the University of Texas at Austin Law School.
- American Jurist [IA][Direct] -
Student newsmagazine of the Washingon College of Law at the American University.
- American University Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Oldest and the largest journal at the Washington College of Law.
- Antitrust Law and Economics Review [IA][Direct] -
International anti-monopoly journal.
- Antitrust Law and Economics Review [IA][Direct] -
International anti-monopoly journal.
- Antitrust Law & Economics Review [IA][Direct] -
America's only anti-monopoly journal. Published since 1967.
- Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform [IA][Direct] -
Student law journal of the University of Victoria Law School, Victoria, BC, Canada.
- Biotechnology Law Report [IA][Direct] -
Provides news and articles on biotech patents and FDA and EPA regulations. Published in cooperation with California Western School of Law.
- Buffalo Environmental Law Journal [IA][Direct]
- Buffalo Law Review [IA][Direct] -
From th State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law.
- Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal [IA][Direct] -
Professional legal journal committed to publishing articles pertaining to public interest law and policy affecting traditionally underrepresented populations.
- Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal [IA][Direct] -
Professional legal journal committed to publishing articles pertaining to public interest law and policy affecting traditionally underrepresented populations.
- California Law Review [IA][Direct]
- California Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal [IA][Direct] -
Published three times a year by students at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University.
- Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin [IA][Direct] -
Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche
- Cardozo Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Caveat Legal News Bulletin [IA][Direct]
- Chicago-Kent Law Review [IA][Direct]
- CommLaw Conspectus [IA][Direct] -
Journal of communications law and policy.
- Computer Law Review and Technology Journal [IA][Direct] -
Hypertext version of the offical publication of the computer section of the state bar of Texas.
- Construction Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Cornell Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Cornell Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Full hypertext version of the Cornell Law Review.
- Denver Journal of International Law and Policy [IA][Direct] -
Contains abstracts of articles on international law topics and links to international law resources.
- Denver University Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Quarterly publication of legal scholarship, including symposia on current issues and an annual survey of decisions from the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals.
- Denver University Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Quarterly publication of legal scholarship, including symposia on current issues and an annual survey of decisions from the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals.
- Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy [IA][Direct] -
A multidisciplinary publication dedicated to gender issues.
- Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy [IA][Direct] -
A multidisciplinary publication dedicated to gender issues.
- E Law - Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law [IA][Direct]
- Electronic Legal Journal [IA][Direct] -
Online format with full text articles. Chat and Message Board available.
- Electronic Legal Journal [IA][Direct] -
Online format with full text articles. Chat and Message Board available.
- European Law Journal [IA][Direct]
- FEAR: Forfeiture Endangers American Rights [IA][Direct]
- Federal Communications Law Journal [IA][Direct]
- Florida Law Weekly [IA][Direct] -
Opinions from Florida's five district courts of appeal, circuit courts, and Florida's Supreme Court.
- Florida Law Weekly [IA][Direct] -
Opinions from Florida's five district courts of appeal, circuit courts, and Florida's Supreme Court.
- Florida State University Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Full hypertext and HTML frame versions of all articles, as well as abstracts and Acrobat PDF files for downloading.
- Florida State University Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Full hypertext and HTML frame versions of all articles, as well as abstracts and Acrobat PDF files for downloading.
- GA WorkersComp [IA][Direct] -
Online journal covering all aspects of the Georgia Workers' Compensation system with an emphasis on law.
- Georgetown International Environmental Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Global Legal Studies Journal [IA][Direct]
- Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [IA][Direct] -
Articles, case notes, and book reviews pertaining to the intersection between technology and the law twice yearly.
- Harvard Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Hastings International and Comparative Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Hastings Women's Law Journal [IA][Direct]
- High Technology Law Journal [IA][Direct] -
On-line index and abstracts from ten years of HTLJ issues.Published by students at Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley.
- In Brief Law Journal [IA][Direct] -
Semi-annual online publication.
- Internet Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Is a new Review covering the legal problems related to computers and the Internet. It will cover subjects such as advertising on the Internet, criminal use, etc.
- Journal of Forensic Economics [IA][Direct]
- Journal of Forensic Economics [IA][Direct]
- Journal of Law and Religion [IA][Direct]
- Journal of Online Law [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to examining and discussing the legal issues arising from networked communications.
- Journal, The [IA][Direct] -
From the Amercian Bar Association.
- Law Gazette [IA][Direct] -
A publication of the Law Society of Singapore.
- Law Journal Extra (LJE) [IA][Direct] -
US Supreme and Federal Court decisions. Searchable database. Court rules, news and more.
- Law Office Management & Administration Report [IA][Direct]
- Law & Politics Outta' Line [IA][Direct] -
Online companion to Minnesota's Journal of Law & Politics. Contains legal and political writing of local and national interest plus much more.
- Law Technology Product News [IA][Direct] -
Articles and research on products, systems and services for law firms.
- Lawyers Weekly [IA][Direct] -
Newsletter providing a variety of features, including news, court opinions, archives, federal information, and classifieds.
- Le Juriste Cybernétique / Cybernetic Legal Expert [IA][Direct] -
A tribune dedicated to the Quebec juridic community.
- Lesbian and Gay Law Notes [IA][Direct] -
Includes back issues of this newsletter on legal issues concerning lesbians and gays.
- Lewis and Clark College Animal Law Journal [IA][Direct] -
Provides academic legal coverage of animal and animal rights issues.
- Manitoba Law Journal [IA][Direct]
- Maori Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Monthly review of law affecting Maori.
- McGill Law Journal / Revue de droit de McGill [IA][Direct] -
Bilingual and bi-juridical journal; includes searchable abstracts of articles.
- Mealey Litigation Reports [IA][Direct] -
Provide news updates, case summaries and full-text documents to attorneys.
- Melbourne Journal of International Law (MJIL) [IA][Direct] -
Produced by law students from the University of Melbourne, covering issues of public and private international law.
- Melbourne University Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Published three times a year. Contains abstracts and submission and subscription information.
- Mercer Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review [IA][Direct] -
MTTLR is both an online journal and an online forum for the discussion of telecommunications law.
- Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review [IA][Direct] -
MTTLR is both an online journal and an online forum for the discussion of telecommunications law.
- Minnesota Journal of Global Trade [IA][Direct] -
Includes article abstracts, information on submitting to the journal, and links.
- Mishpatim Law Reveiw [IA][Direct] -
From Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
- Mishpatim Law Reveiw [IA][Direct] -
From Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
- NASDAQ Financial Executive Journal [IA][Direct]
- National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law, The [IA][Direct] -
Devoted exclusively to legal issues affecting lesbians, gay men and bisexuals.
- National Law Journal [IA][Direct] -
Weekly newspaper for the profession
- National Law Journal [IA][Direct] -
Weekly newspaper for the profession
- New Jersey Law Journal [IA][Direct] -
Covering New Jersey legal affairs since 1878.
- New York Law Journal [IA][Direct] -
New York's daily paper for lawyers
- New York Law Journal [IA][Direct] -
Serving the bench and bar since 1888.
- New York University Law Review [IA][Direct]
- North Carolina Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Abstracts of leading articles for current and forthcoming issues, list of members, information on submissions and subscribing.
- Polish Legal Journal [IA][Direct] -
In English.
- Post-Soviet Media Law & Policy Newsletter [IA][Direct] -
Covers transition societies around the world.
- Princeton Law Journal [IA][Direct]
- Punch & Jurists [IA][Direct] -
Guide to federal criminal law.
- Richmond Journal of Law & Technology [IA][Direct]
- Santa Clara Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Santa Clara Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Southern Illinois University Law Journal [IA][Direct]
- Southern Illinois University Law Journal [IA][Direct]
- Stanford Journal of International Law [IA][Direct]
- Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance [IA][Direct] -
An innovative forum where legal scholars and practitioners can discuss current issues in business and finance.
- Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance [IA][Direct] -
An innovative forum where legal scholars and practitioners can discuss current issues in business and finance.
- Stanford Law & Policy Review [IA][Direct] -
Includes a directory of all past issues as well as download-able abstracts for most articles.
- Stanford Law & Policy Review [IA][Direct] -
Includes a directory of all past issues as well as download-able abstracts for most articles.
- Stanford Technology Law Review (STLR) [IA][Direct] -
Multidisciplinary legal scholarship as an innovative forum for intellectual discourse.
- Texas Forum on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights [IA][Direct] -
The intersection of law, politics, and society.
- Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal [IA][Direct] -
The editorial focus of the Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal is on substantive legal issues and recent developments in Patent, Copyright, Trademark, Unfair Competition, and Trade Secret law.
- Texas International Law Journal [IA][Direct]
- Texas Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Texas Review of Law & Politics [IA][Direct] -
Aims to publish thoughtful and intellectually rigorous conservative articles that can serve as blueprints for legal reform.
- Transportation Law Journal [IA][Direct] -
Professional publication in the field of transportation law, which addresses both domestic and international developments of legal, regulatory, economic and political interest in all modes of transportation
- University Law Review Project [IA][Direct] -
Full text searching of law journals and law reviews on the Internet.
- University of Baltimore Law Forum [IA][Direct] -
Law school journal with analysis of recent Maryland legal cases.
- University of California at Davis Journal of International Law and Policy [IA][Direct]
- University of California, Berkeley - Ecology Law Quarterly [IA][Direct] -
Journal on environmental law and policy.
- University of Colorado Law Review [IA][Direct] -
A law journal dedicated to covering both national and state legal issues.
- University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy [IA][Direct] -
A semi-annually published interdisciplinary journal founded to publish scholarly articles regarding contemporary legal and social issues facing public policy decision-makers.
- University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law [IA][Direct]
- University of Pennsylvania Law Review [IA][Direct]
- University of South Carolina Law Review [IA][Direct]
- University of Toledo Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Scholarly publication devoted to the discussion of current legal issues.
- University of West Los Angeles Law Review [IA][Direct] -
With articles, case notes, and book reviews pertaining to topical legal issues. Member of the National Conference of Law Reviews.
- Villanova Information Law Chronicle [IA][Direct]
- Virginia Journal of Law and Technology [IA][Direct] -
New journal addressing new and exciting legal issues
- Virginia Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Washington Law Review [IA][Direct]
- Washington & Lee Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Publishes five issues annually including an Annual Fourth Circuit Review and an Annual Review of Securities and Commodities Law.
- Web Journal of Current Legal Issues [IA][Direct] -
Articles, case comments, legal education, information technology, book reviews
- Web Journal of Current Legal Issues [IA][Direct] -
Articles, case comments, legal education, information technology, book reviews
- West Virginia Journal of Law and Technology (WVJOLT) [IA][Direct]
- West Virginia University Law Review [IA][Direct] -
Titles since 1997.
- Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to the exploration of the interactions between law and culture.
- Yale Law and Policy Review [IA][Direct] -
Multidisciplinary forum for the discussion of contemporary policy and legal issues.
- Yale Law Journal, The [IA][Direct] -
Academic publication, published eight times per year, carrying pieces of interest to legal commentators and practitioners.