- Carr, Bob [IA][Direct] -
Republican candidate for the first Congressional District.
- Doug Ross For Governor of Michigan in 1998 [IA][Direct]
- Downriver Republican Grassroots Organization [IA][Direct]
- Ehlers, Vern [IA][Direct]
- ElectNet Oregon [IA][Direct] -
Oregon politics and election news updated daily; latest poll results.
- Federation of College Republicans [IA][Direct]
- Felbeck, David [IA][Direct] -
Republican candidate for the 52nd District.
- Grand Rapids Area Greens [IA][Direct] -
Local green chapter of Greens/Green Party USA housing cooperative and monthly social urban stream clean-up bicycling commuter rainbow family
- Huron Valley Greens [IA][Direct]
- Inside Michigan Politics [IA][Direct] -
Bi-weekly report of the latest governmental news.
- Libertarian Party [IA][Direct] -
Bylaws, calendar of events, press releases, newsletters, campaigns and more.
- Libertarian Party of Michigan [IA][Direct] -
Our bylaws, platform, calendar, press releases, newsletters, local groups and much more!
- Michigan [IA][Direct] -
Celebrating and fighting for the values and concerns of the working people of America.
- Michigan Democratic Party [IA][Direct]
- Michigan Jural Society [IA][Direct]
- Michigan Republicans [IA][Direct]
- Michigan Senate Republicans [IA][Direct]
- Monroe County Democratic Committee [IA][Direct]
- Oakland County Republicans [IA][Direct]
- Upton, Fred [IA][Direct] -
Republican candidate for the 6th District.
- Washtenaw County Republican Party [IA][Direct]