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U.S. Judiciary and Supreme Court
  • AKO Titanic Virtual Trial [IA][Direct] - Providing a lesson in the U.S. legal system through the process of a mock trial based on actual events from the Titanic disaster.
  • Council for Court Excellence [IA][Direct] - Works to improve the administration of justice in the local and federal courts and related agencies in the Washington metropolitan area and in the nation
  • Federal Judicial Center [IA][Direct] - Official agency for research and continuing education. Includes server links.
  • History of the Federal Judiciary [IA][Direct] - Featuring biographies of all life-tenured judges who have served on the federal bench since 1789, landmark judicial legislation, a photographic exhibit, and more.
  • Judicial Fellows Program [IA][Direct] - Provides outstanding individuals from diverse professions and academic backgrounds an opportunity to study first-hand both the administrative machinery of the federal judiciary and the dynamics of interbranch relations.
  • Judiciary Leadership Development Council [IA][Direct] - Presents annual judicial seminars in law science and humanities in the U.S. and Europe; and the triennial Worldwide Common Law Judiciary Conference.
  • U.S. Sentencing Commission [IA][Direct] - Download Commission research reports and publications, the Guidelines Manual, application software and training materials, and other information issued by the Sentencing Commission.
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