- Air Pollution and Plants [IA][Direct] -
Common indoor plants may provide a valuable weapon in the fight against rising levels of indoor air pollution.
- Allergies and Environmental Health [IA][Direct] -
Describes severe allergies (environmental illness, MCS, et) and provide links to related sources.
- ATSDR-Biennial Report to Congress 1991 and 1992 [IA][Direct]
- ATSDR - Board of Scientific Counselors@ (1996)
- ATSDR Congressional Testimony [IA][Direct] -
Includes testimony on Health Impacts of Incineration (PartI and II), ATSDR Public Health Actions and Findings, Superfund Sites (Adverse Health Impacts), and ATSDR Applied Research.
- Breath-Taking [IA][Direct] -
Summary and data from a May 1996 NRDC report about premature mortality due to particulate air pollution in 239 American cities.
- Breath-Taking: Guide to Mortality and Pollution Tables [IA][Direct] -
NRDC Technical Report.
- Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine [IA][Direct] -
Specializes in treating patients with environmentally triggered health problems and chemical injuries.
- Chem-Tox [IA][Direct] -
Researching health risks from pesticides and chemicals.
- Dioxin -All you want to know [IA][Direct] -
A description of what dioxin is and where it can be found.
- Environmental Health Center - Dallas [IA][Direct] -
Diagnosis/treatment for individuals with allergy and environmental-related illnesses.
- Environmental Health Officers Page [IA][Direct] -
Find out more about the job, contact a working EHO if you have any questions.
- Environmental Technical Information Project [IA][Direct] -
Information to environmental organizations, researchers, and the general public.
- Envirosearch.com [IA][Direct] -
Information and services site, including numerous downloadable enviro laws and policies for environmental professionals, academic researchers, and citizens.
- EXtension TOXicology NETwork [IA][Direct] -
Pesticide toxicology and environmental chemistry information for the general public - fully searchable and selectively retrievable.
- Hazardous Waste [IA][Direct] -
Information on symptoms and effects of hazardous waste.
- HazDat - Hazardous Substance Release/Health Effects Database [IA][Direct]
- Healthy Housing [IA][Direct]
- J. May Home Inspections [IA][Direct] -
This is a page dedicated to information about inspecting houses for real estate transactions as well as allergy and indoor air quality issues.
- Magnesium Deficiency, Heart Disease, and Bottled Water [IA][Direct] -
Criteria for rating bottled water by mineral content. Research and articles.
- Oregon DEQ's Air Quality Modeling [IA][Direct] -
Provides guidance, tools, and references for doing air quality dispersion modeling.
- ToxFAQs (tm) (Quick Guide to Hazardous Substances) [IA][Direct] -
Summaries about hazardous substances and is being developed by the ATSDR Division of Toxicology.
- Toxic Hot Spots [IA][Direct] -
Learn about toxic chemical hazards in specific communities. You can also find out about what community organizations are doing to address health and environmental threats.