- Achromatopsia Network, The [IA][Direct] -
Information/support network for individuals and families concerned with the rare inherited vision disorder achromatopsia.
- Brian's Eye - Macular Degeneration Web Site [IA][Direct] -
Low vision aids, anatomy, photos, links, research information and a personal story are included. This site is recommended reading for AMD patients.
- Corneal Laser Centre - United Kingdom [IA][Direct] -
Information and free assessment for PRK and LASIK correction of short, long and astigmatic sight, together with correction of colour-blindness.
- Excimer laser PRK [IA][Direct] -
Presentation for the layman of the new excimer laser cure for nearsightedness.
- Eye, The [IA][Direct] -
Everything you wanted to know about the eye, plus a chance to get a world of medical opinions in answer to your eye care question.
- Nexus, The [IA][Direct] -
Information on refractive and cataract surgery, corneal topography and topographers.
- NOAH Health Topic: The Eye [IA][Direct] -
Full-text consumer health information about the eye, eye disease and injury, vision, low vision, blindness, corrective lenses.
- Ocular Surgery News [IA][Direct] -
Provides coverage of scientific meetings and events in the field.
- Radial Keratotomy [IA][Direct] -
Information on Radial Keratotomy and other refractive surgeries for the permanent correction of myopia (nearsightedness) and/or astigmatism.
- Retinal Implant Project [IA][Direct] -
Seeks to develop a silicon chip eye implant that can restore vision for patients suffering from Retinitis Pigmentosa and Macular Degeneration.
- Venezuelan Neuro-ophthalmology [IA][Direct]