- HandTherapist.com [IA][Direct] -
Hand therapist listings and employment opportunities.
- RehabJobs [IA][Direct] -
Searchable job bank for physical, occupational, speech and respiratory therapists as well as audiologists and rehab managers. Links to rehab related sites.
- Rehabworld [IA][Direct] -
Jobs, links and info for physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and more.
- TherapyNet [IA][Direct] -
Job listings for physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy professionals.
- Therapy Student Journal [IA][Direct] -
A quarterly publication distributed free-of-charge to students in the PT, OT, and SLP fields providing professional and employment information.
- Therasource [IA][Direct] -
A nationwide recruitment firm specializing in the placement of physical, occupational, and speech therapists.