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Home > Health > Mental Health > Diseases and Conditions > Learning Disorders >
  • Briarwood School [IA][Direct] - K-12 school for children with learning differences.
  • Camp Northwood [IA][Direct] - A summer camp for children with learning disabilities, located in upstate New York's Adirondack Mountains.
  • Camp Nuhop [IA][Direct] - Summer camp for children with special needs (learning disabilities, ADD).
  • Delaware Valley Friends School [IA][Direct] - A Quaker school for students with learning disabilities. Small classes, excellent teacher to student ratio, extensive use of technology
  • Eagle Hill School [IA][Direct] - Private residential school for students with specific Learning Disabilities (LD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
  • Essential Learning Institute [IA][Direct] - Providing solutions for students struggling with learning disabilities. Computer-based program customized for the individual students needs. In-home evaluation packages available.
  • Fraser Academy School [IA][Direct] - Non-profit, independent, private school, working with students with learning differences, like Dyslexia, ADD & ADHD.
  • Frewen College [IA][Direct] - For pupils with dyslexia and who have difficulty learning.
  • Gow School [IA][Direct] - Boarding, college preparatory school for boys with dyslexia and similar language-based learning difficulties.
  • Greenwood Institute, The [IA][Direct] - Includes free articles and information on dyslexia, learning disabilities, and literacy.
  • Kenneth Gordon School [IA][Direct] - Independent non-profit elementary day school for children with learning disabilities including dyslexia.
  • Landmark Elementary School [IA][Direct] - Private school for students with language-based learning needs and dyslexia.
  • Landmark School [IA][Direct] - A private elementary and secondary school for learning disabled and dyslexic children.
  • Niilo Mäki Institute [IA][Direct] - Target areas are learning disabilities, developmental disorders, brain dysfunctions, and research on basic cognitive processes related to reading, arithmetics and attention.
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