Home > Health > Mental Health > Diseases and Conditions > | Substance Abuse |  | | |  |  |  | | - 12 Step Cyber Cafe [IA][Direct]
- Addiction Resource Guide [IA][Direct] -
Directory of treatment programs, alcoholism, addictions substance abuse and chemical dependency.
- Addictions & Life [IA][Direct]
- Addiction Treatment Forum [IA][Direct]
- Adolescent Alcohol Research Center [IA][Direct] -
PAARC at UPMC is funded by NIAAA to investigate the effects of alcohol on the development of adolescents.
- Adult and Correctional Education [IA][Direct] -
Promotes communication & cross-training between adult and correctional educators and substance-abuse counselors.
- Alcoholism and Drug Addiction [IA][Direct] -
Information and treatment resources.
- AngelLady's Web Wanders [IA][Direct] -
Links to sites and information about recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, and related issues.
- AngelLady's Web Wanders [IA][Direct] -
Links to sites and information about recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, and related issues.
- Blair Price's Quitting Smoking Resources [IA][Direct]
- Brixton Drug Project [IA][Direct] -
UK dedicated drug information server for drug information and counselling service.
- Brown University - Center for Alcohol & Addiction Studies [IA][Direct] -
Promotes the identification, prevention and effective treatment of alcohol and other drug use problems in our society through research, publications, education and training.
- Cascade [IA][Direct] -
Drugs information and awareness by and for young people.
- Common Sense [IA][Direct] -
Strategies for raising alcohol- and drug-free children from the National PTA.
- Connecticut Clearinghouse [IA][Direct] -
Providing information about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and related subjects.
- CVaNet - Substance Abuse Information [IA][Direct] -
Provides substance abuse information to the public and the treatment community, particularly information about resources and training available for individuals interested in working in the field.
- Don Parker's Illusion of Drugs [IA][Direct] -
Substance abuse prevention magic show for the youth.
- Drug and Alcohol Recovery Network (D.A.R.N.) [IA][Direct] -
Directory of treatment facilities, institutions and health professionals.
- Drugnet [IA][Direct] -
Drug and alcohol treatment and prevention global network.
- Elks Drug Awareness Program [IA][Direct] -
Online resource center featuring educational publications for youths and adults, as well as other information about the program.
- Faces of Addiction [IA][Direct] -
Read personal stories and find the facts and resources for empowerment to fight the problems of drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
- Focused Treatment Systems [IA][Direct] -
Provides information about alcohol and drug abuse treatment, featuring SAGE, a virtual community dedicated to substance abuse treatment.
- HabitSmart [IA][Direct] -
An outpatient agency, staffed by licensed psychologists, which provides a variety of services to individuals with addictive behavior problems
- Harm Reduction: A Good Idea [IA][Direct]
- Help with Drug's Addiction [IA][Direct]
- Ibogaine@ (1999)
- Index - Recovery Related Resources
[IA][Direct] -
Collections of Recovery related internet pages on subjects of Alcoholism (AA), Chemical Abuse (NA, CA), and other addictions. - Indiana Prevention Resource Center [IA][Direct] -
Statewide clearinghouse of prevention technical assistance and information about all types of drugs.
- Iowa Drug Information Service - IDIS [IA][Direct] -
To stimulate the effective use of drug information resources and promote better patient care through rational drug therapy.
- Join Together [IA][Direct] -
National resource center for communities fighting substance abuse.
- National Addiction Centre [IA][Direct] -
At the Institute of Psychiatry in London; description of clinical, training and research functions of the centre.
- National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) [IA][Direct] -
Provides access to information, research and commentary on tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse issues, including prevention, treatment and cost data.
- National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) [IA][Direct] -
Information about alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs(ATID).
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) [IA][Direct]
- New Canaan Cares Inc. [IA][Direct] -
A non-profit organization that provides help and information on substance abuse, eating disorders, rehabilitation,and other related areas.
- One Day Heroin Detoxification [IA][Direct] -
Includes a review of the medical literature.
- PBS: Close to Home [IA][Direct] -
Features Bill Moyers on addiction, and Overboard: a 13-issue soap opera comic book about young people dealing with substance abuse and addiction.
- Project Craft [IA][Direct] -
Federally-funded research program for family members and others who are concerned about drug use problems in a loved one.
- Recovery Anonymous [IA][Direct] -
More than just about 'Recovery' ...It is a journey to help us find who we were meant to be and to find fulfillment from within.
- Recovery Network News [IA][Direct] -
Provides a weekly "media sweep" of more than 1,400 general information sources covering the fields of substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery.
- Sober But Stuck [IA][Direct] -
Resources for 12-step, recovery, substance abuse and alcoholics anonymous programs.
- Spirit of 98 Conference [IA][Direct]
- Stop Drugs [IA][Direct] -
Information on methamphetamine, links, research, prevention, treatment and enforcement information.
- United Nations International Drug Control Programme - UNDCP/INCB [IA][Direct]
- University of Minnesota, Duluth - Center for Addiction Studies [IA][Direct] -
Behavioral science research into addictions with emphasis on alcoholism and compulsive gambling.
- Virginia Addiction Tehnology Transfer Center [IA][Direct] -
To increase the skill level of substance abuse treatment practitioners in treatment programs in Virginia.
- Web of Addictions [IA][Direct] -
Drug abuse information