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Home > Health > Reproductive Health > Birth Control >
  • AVSC International [IA][Direct] - Nonprofit organization working worldwide to give women and men access to high-quality family planning and reproductive health services.
  • Birth Control Trust [IA][Direct] - Provides legal, medical and sociological info for the public, media, health professionals, policy makers and parliamentarians.
  • Family Health International [IA][Direct] - FHI is not-for-profit, private voluntary organization that works to improve reproductive health around the world, with an emphasis on developing countries.
  • Family Planning Australia [IA][Direct] - To promote at national and international levels the objectives of FPAs toenable people to achieve reproductive and sexual health and well being inthe context of a sustainable environment.
  • Family Planning Council of Western Massachusetts [IA][Direct] - Includes information on: family planning, breast health, WIC, teen parent education & support, HIV/AIDS counseling, testing, support and prevention services, including needle exchange.
  • Marie Stopes International [IA][Direct] - International charity providing family planning services worldwide.
  • Planned Parenthood@  (1997)
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