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Home > News and Media > Television > Shows > Public Access >
  • ComputerWise [IA][Direct] - Broadcast from Northeastern Pennsylvania. Offers computer news & cool sites.
  • Cyber Digest [IA][Direct] - Devoted to the development and interactivity of the world wide web.
  • High Tech Heroes [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to showcasing people who have made a substantial technical contribution to the high-tech world.
  • Home P@ge- The Internet Show - Ontario, Canada [IA][Direct] - Rogers Community 11's bi-weekly news magazine series devoted to exploring the Internet.
  • Internet: TCI - The Television Show [IA][Direct] - TCI Cable systems in East Lansing, Michigan is producing a monthly hour long talk show which covers the internet. The show is called Internet:TCI and the hosts are Charles Severnace and Richard Wiggins.
  • Net Chat TV [IA][Direct] - Home Town Visions' (Channel 51) newest "how-to" cable show where local experts in the computer and Internet industry answer questions from beginner to intermediate.
  • Point 'n' Click on the Web [IA][Direct] - Central New York Cable channel 13 television show for computer information, hot topics, tips, and tricks.
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