- 5 Pin & 10 Pin [IA][Direct] -
Addresses for bowling organizations in Ontario. Links to leagues. List of Bowling centres in Ontario.
- Bowling Vereniging 't Karrewiel Delft [IA][Direct] -
Bowling club with league results and tournament information.
- Chicago Metropolitan Bowling Association [IA][Direct]
- Diavoli Rossi [IA][Direct] -
Sporting association of bowlers. Links to bowling related sites.
- Federacao de Boliche do Rio de Janeiro [IA][Direct] -
Dicas, eventos e ranking.
- Grassington & District Bowling Club [IA][Direct]
- Huntsville All Star League [IA][Direct] -
Bowling league.
- Huntsville Bowling Association [IA][Direct] -
Local association of the American Bowling Congress.
- Illinois Bowling Association [IA][Direct] -
State association of the American Bowling Congress.
- Italian Dream Team Bowling Club [IA][Direct] -
Comprehensive Italian bowling resource.
- Korea Interservice Bowling Association [IA][Direct] -
Serving the US Military community in Korea.
- Louisiana State University Bowling Team [IA][Direct]
- Mens Maryland Suburban Traveling League [IA][Direct] -
Duckpin bowling lives on in this traveling league/singles league, with weekly updates, photos, player profiles, etc.
- NABI of Central California [IA][Direct]
- National Amateur Bowlers Inc [IA][Direct] -
Tournament club for Detroit-area bowlers averaging 199 and under.
- NTHI Bowling Gruppe [IA][Direct]
- Orange County Bowling Council [IA][Direct] -
Containing various different bowling centers throughout Orange County.
- Penn State Bowling Club [IA][Direct] -
Tournament scores, and anything you would want to know about Penn State bowlers.
- Portland Community Bowling Association [IA][Direct] -
Gay and lesbian bowling association. Features two bowling leagues on Sundays and has a yearly tournament.
- Professional Bowler Association [IA][Direct]
- Rhayader Bowling Club [IA][Direct]
- Stanford Bowling [IA][Direct]
- Team Internet - 1996 [IA][Direct] -
A group of cyber-acquainted bowlers team up for the ABC National Amateur Tournament, in search of shirts, free stuff and sponsors.
- TNBA - The National Bowling Association [IA][Direct] -
Operated by African-Americans and open to all, committed to the principles of sportsmanship, fellowship and friendship.