- Nike World Masters Games 1998 [IA][Direct] -
The largest participatory multisport event in the world. To be held in Portland, Oregon, August 9-22, 1998.
- 13th Annual Asian Games [IA][Direct] -
December 6-20, Bangkok,Thailand .
- 1994 Asian Games [IA][Direct]
- 1994 Goodwill Games@ (1997)
- 1997 Men's World Handball Championship [IA][Direct] -
Held from May 17 to June 1, 1997 in Kumamoto, Japan.
- 7th Games of the Small States of Europe [IA][Direct] -
Multidisciplinary sports competition limited to European nations with populations under one million.
- Australian Universities Games [IA][Direct] -
September 26 - October 4, 1996.
- Bari '97 [IA][Direct] -
Sito ufficiale della XIII Edizione dei Giochi del Mediterraneo. Bari97 un mare di sport in Bari, Italy on June 13-25, 1997.
- Canada Games 1997@tsn.ca [IA][Direct] -
Canada's future Olympians compete in 18 different sports from August 9-23, 1997 in Brandon, Manitoba.
- Corporate Games [IA][Direct] -
International charitable sporting events hosted all over the world. The games are sponsored by a variety of leading businesses and corporations.
- European Swimming Championship 1995 [IA][Direct]
- Malaysian Games '96 [IA][Direct]
- North American Indigenous Games [IA][Direct]
- Raiverd '96 [IA][Direct] -
May 25 - June 1, 1996.
- SEA Games@ (1997)
- Special Olympics@ (1997)
- World Medical Games / Jeux Mondiaux de la Médecine [IA][Direct]
- World Police/Fire Games 1997 [IA][Direct] -
June 27th to July 4th, 1997.