- Årsta Innebandyklubb [IA][Direct] -
Årsta IK floorball homepage; Uppsala, Sweden.
- Floorball IBK Dalen [IA][Direct] -
Hemsida Här kan du läsa allt om Dalen och var historia Här finns även massor av statistik; (in Swedish).
- Floorball Unihockey Torpedo Chur [IA][Direct] -
Check out the latest news about Torpedo Chur and Floorball in general in Switzerland. Here you can find results, standings and links to other Floorball-sites.
- Gothenburg Tigers [IA][Direct] -
New floorball team that will start playing in Korpen this fall.
- IBK Odelberg [IA][Direct] -
Floorball team based in Stockholm, Sweden.
- KB Wämöhallen [IA][Direct]
- Kursiv GmbH [IA][Direct] -
DTP-Software, DTP-Links and more.
- Marselisborg Floorball Klub [IA][Direct] -
Aviable in English and Danish. Read about Danish Floorball.
- Nor 92 IBK [IA][Direct] -
Floorball club. Norwegian and international floorball info.
- Team Fonzie [IA][Direct] -
Finish team site includes stats, pics, and links.
- TSV Jona Unihockey [IA][Direct] -
Results, tables, players, pictures, etc..
- UHC TLS Köniz / Floorball in Switzerland [IA][Direct] -
Find a lot of information about all our teams, results, news and have a look at our photo gallery.
- Unihockey Club Giants Kloten [IA][Direct] -
Information and news about our club and links to all other floorball places.
- Unihockeyclub Herisau [IA][Direct] -
Informations and pictures about the club.
- Upplands Innebandyförbund [IA][Direct]
- Warbergs Innebandy Club, WIC-85 [IA][Direct] -
Read about information, stats, and our next games.